Day Starter for Tuesday, September 10th

- After recording your digestion background knowledge on the back of your module guide, add the information presented in the video clip for the structure seen in the diagram. 


- Pre-Lab Assignment (Must be completed before beginning lab)  

Salivary Buffering Link 


Read the article found in the link and answer the following questions (complete this in your essential connections section - unit 2 module guide). 

1.) Saliva has so many important functions that we often take for granted. Describe two imbalances that occur from abnormal conditions in saliva or abnormal quantities of saliva. 

2.) Find the circle chart that shows the many functions of saliva. Reinterpret this chart in your own way. Identify at least  3 terms from this chart that you are unsure of and define them.

-  Click on the "buffering system" link and answer the following :

3.) What is a buffer?

4.) Describe 2 important functions of salivary buffering for oral health.