Module  3.4 - Cell Variety 

- There are over 200 different types of cells in the human body, each with a unique anatomy and physiology. In this quick module, you will explore some of the most uniquely evolved cells and learn why their form is specially designed for their function. 

Module 3.4 Warm-Up : Cell Types   

- Directions

1) Find someone in the class that has a different cell type than the one that you picked. 

2) Have that individual share their GoogleDoc with you.

3) Examine their cell PICTURE ONLY.

4) Complete the following two tasks in your module 3.4 warm-up section.

- Sketch the cell as that person had created with their model.

- Each cell has a unique function. Predict how the anatomy is specially designed for that cell's physiology.(why is that shape so important for the cells function?) 

Essential Vocab: 

cell differentiation

Module Objectives: 

4.1 – Describe different cell types, their specialized shape, and its relating specialized function.