Module  3.5 - Tissues (Epithelial) 

Module 3.5 Warm-Up : Tissue Types  

- Directions

This warm-up is super easy!

- Pick one of the other tissue types (other than epithelial) and......

1) Describe how it is different than epithelial.

2) Draw a sketch of one of the varieties of that tissue. 

Essential Vocab: 

Epithelial tissue, polarity, apical surface, basal surface, basal lamina, reticular lamina, basement membrane, simple epithelia, stratified epithelia, squamous cells, cuboidal cells, columnar cells, simple squamous epithelium, endothelium, mesothelium, simple cuboidal epithelium, simple columnar epithelium, stratified epithelia, glandular epithelia, simple glands, complex glands

Module Objectives: 

5.1 – Name the four major tissue types and their chief subcategories. Explain how the four major types differ structurally and functionally.

5.2 – Give the chief locations of the various tissue types in the body.

5.3- Describe the process of tissue repair (wound healing).