Medical Careers:  Treating a Patient with Skin Lacerations 

Read the scenario below and answer the following four questions by using your textbook, notes, or any other resource. 

- A terrible collision between a trailer truck and a bus has occurred on route 91. Several of the passengers are rushed to an area hospital for treatment. We will follow a few of these people in clinical case studies that will continue through the year in additional body system units. 

Case Study: Examination of Mrs. DeStephano, a 45 year old woman, reveals several impairments of homeostasis. Relative to her integumentary system, the following comments are noted on her chart. 

- Epidermal abrasions of the right arm and shoulder 

- Severe lacerations of the right cheek and temple

- Cyanosis apparent

The lacerated areas are cleaned, sutured, and bandaged by the emergency room (ER) personnel, and Mrs. DeSephano is admitted for further tests.

Relative to her signs: 

1) What protective mechanisms are impaired or deficient in the abraded areas?

2) Assuming that bacteria are penetrating the dermis in these areas, what remaining skin defenses might act to further prevent a bacterial invasion?

3) What benefit is conferred by suturing the lacerations? (hint: see the "healing by first intention definition)

4) Mrs. DeStepahno's cyanotic skin may hint at what additional problem (what is this conditions and what body systems or functions are impaired)?