Module  4.5:  Developmental  Aspects of Skin   

As we age, one of the most reflective features of our bodies aging is our skin. In this module we will examine some of the physiological explanations as to why our bodies go through these changes. 

Module 4.5 - Developmental Aspects of Aging 


- Using your module guide and your textbook, create a timeline of the events that one goes through while aging. Include a brief explanation as to why these events occur. You will have to turn your module guide to the side to complete this activity. Please include the following vocabulary: Lanugo coat, vernix caseosa, milia, dermatitis, "liver-spots"

Essential Vocab: 

Lanugo coat, vernix caseosa, milia, dermatitis, "liver-spots"

Module Objectives: 

5.1 – Describe and explain the changes that occur to the skin over an individual’s lifetime.