Module  9.1 - Blood and It's Components 

Blood is the transport system of the body, responsible for carrying most of the nutrients and wastes. In this module, you will review some of blood's most important qualities. 

Module 9.1 Warm-Up 

- Directions

- Use the link below to complete the virtual blood typing lab. 

Blood Typing Game 

- Select the "Quick Game - Random Patients" version 

1) Select the any patient (you will have to select three so it doesn't matter where you start - the patients go in order left to right) 

2) Start by examining the contents of each of the test tubes and recording this information at the top of your module guide. 

3) As you drop blood into each anti-serum test-tube, add to your chart: a) The result (clumping or no clumping) and b) a quick sketch of the antigens and antibodies present (click on test tube to see up-close version).

4) You should be able to identify the blood types based on the results observed. 

5) Finally, in the last column, record the additional types of blood that can be received be each person. 

Essential Vocab: 

buffy coat, hematocrit, plasma, albumin, formed elements, erythrocytes (red blood cells), hemoglobin, globin, heme, oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin, carbaminohemoglobin, hematopoiesis, red bone marrow, hemocytoblast, hematopoietic stem cell, erythropoiesis, myeloid stem cell, proerythroblast, normblast, reticulocyte, erythropoietin, ferritin, hemosiderin, transferrin, bilirubin, anemia, thalassemias, sickle cell anemia, polycythemia, leukocytes, diapedesis, amoeboid motion, positive chemotaxis, leukocytosis, granulocytes, neutrophils, defensins, polymorphonuclear leukocytes, respiratory burst, eosinophils, basophils, agranulocytes, lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, antibodies, monocytes, macrophages, leukopoesis, interleukins, colony stimulating factors, lymphoid stem cells, myeloid stem cells, myeloblasts, promyelocytes, mylocytes, band cell, monoblast, promonocytes, lymphoblasts, prolymphocyte, leukopenia, platelets, megakaryocytes, thrombopoietin, megakaryoblast, hemostasis, vascular spasm, prostacyclin, serotonin, coagulation, clotting factors, procoagulants, prothrombin activator, fibrinogen, fibrin, anticoagulants, clot retraction, serum, platelet derived growth factor, fibrinolysis, plasmin, plasminogen, thrombus, embolus, embolism, aspirin, warfarin, thrombocytopenia, hemophilia, agglutinogens, ABO blood groups, agglutinins, Rh factor, plasma expanders, differential white blood cell count, prothrombin time, platelet 

Module Objectives: 

Overview: Blood Composition and Functions

  1.   Describe the composition and physical characteristics of whole blood. Explain why it is classified as a connective tissue.

  2.   List eight functions of blood.

Blood Plasma

  3.   Discuss the composition and functions of plasma.

Formed Elements

  4.   Describe the structure, function, and production of erythrocytes.

  5.   Describe the chemical makeup of hemoglobin.

  6.   Give examples of disorders caused by abnormalities of erythrocytes. Explain what goes wrong in each disorder.

  7.   List the classes, structural characteristics, and functions of leukocytes.

  8.   Describe how leukocytes are produced.

  9.   Give examples of leukocyte disorders, and explain what goes wrong in each disorder.

10.  Describe the structure and function of platelets.


11.  Describe the processes of hemostasis. List factors that limit clot formation and prevent undesirable clotting.

12.  Give examples of hemostatic disorders. Indicate the cause of each condition.

Transfusion and Blood Replacement

13.  Describe the ABO and Rh blood groups. Explain the basis of transfusion reactions.

14.  Describe fluids used to replace blood volume and the circumstances for their use.

Diagnostic Blood Tests

15.  Explain the diagnostic importance of blood testing.

Developmental Aspects of Blood

16.  Describe changes in the sites of blood production and in the type of hemoglobin produced after birth.

17.  Name some blood disorders that become more common with age.