Heart Attack Assignment: (Watched and Completed on 4/11) - YOU ONLY NEED TO WATCH THE FIRST 25 MINUTES

- Watch the video and answer the following: 1) What are 4 lifestyle risk factors that John has? 2) What is actually happening to the heart during a heart attack? 3) How is the heart attack treated? 4) What is ventricular fibrillation? 5) What does defibrillation do? 

Heart Diagram for Practice

Heart diagram with label lines.pdf Heart diagram with label lines.pdf
Size : 57.373 Kb
Type : pdf

Cardio Lab Assignment: 

- Cardio Lab from _____

If you were absent for either or both days- compete the lab (non-bolded sections) using the included packet and the notes from 9.2. This lab is due Monday!

Cardiovascular lab.docx Cardiovascular lab.docx
Size : 34.052 Kb
Type : docx
Cardio Lab Packet.pdf Cardio Lab Packet.pdf
Size : 406.985 Kb
Type : pdf